Let me say upfront, I don't own any of these images nor their source material. I make them out of my love for these characters, movies, places, or people and I intend no infringement on the copyright. I do not sell nor do I wish to have my work downloaded or distributed without my permission.
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Friday, August 11, 2023
Sunday, July 23, 2023
As I am a Math Teacher... let's see.
$498,000,000. / 384 ..... *calculator processing
= $1,296,875/ 5
= $ 259,375 a year (Avg writer salary)
Average Teacher Salary in NC = $51,000
$259 K > $51K
......and you want my pity??
Friday, July 14, 2023
Apathy Grows about Congress
I don't mean to imply I'm apathetic about voting, I'm not.
I'm, however, developing a HUGE amount of apathy for the do-nothing Congress whose stupid, useless fighting about politics, which they all profess to hate but engage in endlessly, has become a dull roar in the background. (What a sentence!)
Oh and that "Supreme" Court? Forget policing itself.... forget it. As much as Congress would ever police itself? Or a President? HA!
A Teacher's View...
While we teachers certainly understand striking due to unfair working standards, please, PLEASE don't base your argument on "trying to make a living wage"..
It just won't work on us, the poor-lier paid than you!
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Monday, July 10, 2023
Monday, June 19, 2023
Tony's without Writers???
I believe I knew that the Awards shows were scripted...
And the WGA wanted proof that there were not scripted moments...
Here's the script:
"The next award is for:"
"The nominees are:"
"And the tony goes to:"
You did NOT need a script!
Monday, June 5, 2023
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Reference the Post May 10th
The WGA Strike, posted May 10th. Instagram has moved on...
The Attention Span of the Nation?
.... about 2 weeks
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
You Look at Me Joanie & Chachie
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
It's Difficult to be Sympathetic...
Now I want people to be well compensated. I am also a lover of the arts! I have greatly benefited from well-written works in my past.
However, it is difficult to have sympathy for people ALREADY making so much more than me, per product, than I in a calendar year.
To say nothing of the people who have to work 2+ minimum wage jobs!
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
I Thought It Was Me!
I really was beginning to question my waning interest in daily porn. But today it hit me - the porn has become boring, made repetively, with the models looking bored and uninterested in each other.
Bored in Porn
Could someone PLEASE let porn makers know that "smolder" and looking bored in Porn are NOT the same thing?
It Erodes from BOTH SIDES
Being a liberal, I must also confess - I have a brain. I mean to say, I can spot bullshit on both sides. The Democrats often bemoan the other side as eroding the faith in our institutions, however seeing the rich evade, obfuscate, slink, counter-sue and otherwise EVADE JUSTICE does not instill faith in their ability to uphold justice.
If justice has to worry about how it will look politically - we are sunk!